Hydrologic Sciences and Policy - BS - Physical and Chemical Emphasis
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Learning Outcomes
Program Type
Program Description
Environmental Studies (ES) trains and prepares students to be world-class leaders in multidisciplinary analysis, problem solving for environmental health and sustainability, and transformative social change in the 21st century. The program is highly interdisciplinary, and as a student in the program you’ll be able to explore a wide variety of environmental topics, drawing on concepts, theories, and research methods from the natural and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. You’ll be encouraged to generate innovative ideas through research, and you’ll gain the scholarly background and practical skills needed to envision solutions to pressing environmental challenges and to become an agent for change for a healthy and just environment. The main focus of the Hydrologic Sciences and Policy major is to provide you with the scientific training needed to understand and solve complex hydrologic problems at local, regional, and global levels. The goal of the curriculum is to provide a rigorous framework so you can examine the hydrologic process in our environment. Although the major is housed within Environmental Studies, the curriculum for this degree is offered cooperatively by the departments of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology; Chemistry and Biochemistry; Geography; and Earth Science. Lower-division courses concentrate on the physical and natural sciences. In the upper division, you’ll complete a core group of hydrology courses and then select one of the following three emphases: biology and ecology, physical and chemical sciences, or policy.
Featured Courses
Graduate and Professional Pathways
International corporations
Nonprofit organizations
Environmental Sciences, Hydrology and Engineering
Biology, Ecology, Wildlife, Conservation, and Marine Sciences
Environmental and Water Law and Policy
Top Employers
Ventura Country Flood Control District
GSI Water Solutions, Inc.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Program Highlights
When it was created in 1994, ours was the first undergraduate degree in hydrology offered in the western United States
40% of our majors graduate with a double major and/or at least one minor
We provide over $40,000 a year in department scholarships
We offer experiential education opportunties such as academic internships, studying abroad, environmental field projects, and undergraduate research opportunities with ES faculty
Related Disciplines
Climate change
Water policy
Environmental justice
Associated Interests
Environmental Leadership Incubator (ELI)
UC Education Abroad Program (EAP)
Ecosystem and Habitat Resotration (UCSB Cheadle Center)
UCSB Earth Research Institute
UCSB Sustainability
Environmental Studies and Bren School of Environmental Science and Management Fellowship Program
Learn More!
Dept Website: www.es.ucsb.edu
Hydrologic Policy Info: https://es.ucsb.edu/degrees
Department Scholarships: https://es.ucsb.edu/scholarships