Marine Science - BA College of Creative Studies
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Program Description
The CCS Marine Science major is a new program designed to offer students the ability to pursue an education that spans multiple disciplines in marine science while simultaneously building the skills and confidence to conduct marine research. As a student in the program, you’ll build foundations in chemistry, biology, earth science, engineering, physics, probability and statistics, math, and writing. In addition, you’ll learn what it means to do research and you’ll pursue opportunities to work alongside marine science experts to design and carry out research projects. This program is ideal for you if you’re self-motivated, fascinated by the ocean, and want to become a part of the next generation of ocean-knowledge creators.
Graduate and Professional Pathways
Government organizations
Marine Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Law
Top Employers
Government organizations such as NOAA, NASA, BOEM, BSEE, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, and DOD
Academics, Aquarist, Aquaculture technician, laboratory technician
Marine technology, Science writer, non-profit manager
Program Highlights
Our program is highly interdiscplinary
Related Disciplines
Ocean climate modeling
Ocean economics
Marine materials
Marine politics
Associated Interests
Climate change
Social justice
Data science
Ocean acidification