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Chinese - BA

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East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts

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Learning Outcomes

Program Type

Bachelor's Degree

Program Description

China is a major ancient civilization and contemporary global economic power and dynamic society. The Chinese Major at UCSB will provide you with a thorough grounding in the history and diversity of Chinese cultures and traditions from imperial to modern times. Studying the Chinese language will convince future employers that you stand out from other college graduates and that you have an inside view of the culture. Being able to read Chinese will keep you abreast of Chinese current events and social attitudes through the online and print world. We offer content courses in Chinese and Taiwanese literature art, history, gender and sexuality, philosophies, religions, cinema, media, and environmental humanities.

Featured Courses


Graduate and Professional Pathways

  • M.A. or Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies

  • Cultural consultants in organizations and companies

  • Business/International trade

  • M.A. East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies

  • Ph.D. East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies

  • 5-year combined B.A./M.A. in East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies

Top Employers

  • Universities

  • International NGOs

  • Disney

Program Highlights

  • The famous Taiwan novelist, opera producer Pai Hsien-yung 白先勇 or Kenneth Pai used to be our faculty member

  • Many of our students can study Chinese for free in Taiwan (except for airfare)

  • Students can also study at major universities in China on the Education Abroad Program

Related Disciplines

  • Language, Literature, and Culture

  • Film and Media

  • Chinese History - from ancient to Modern

  • Religious & Philosophical Traditions

  • Global East Asia

  • Women and Gender

Associated Interests

  • Film Studies

  • Anthropology

  • Comparative Literature

  • Linguistics and Translation Studies

  • Religious Studies

  • Religious Environmentalism